Kaiser OTC Login

Kaiser Permanente offers an Over-the-Counter (OTC) benefit that allows eligible members to order health and wellness products online. To access this service, you need to log in to the Kaiser OTC portal.

Kaiser OTC Login

Kaiser OTC Login Page

The login page for the Kaiser OTC benefit is provided through Medline at Home, a partner of Kaiser Permanente. You can access it here. https://athome.medline.com/kpscal/

Kaiser OTC Login Portal

The Kaiser OTC login portal is the online platform where members can sign in to manage their OTC benefits, browse available products, and place orders.  Follow below instructions for login:

  1. Visit the link in the browser: https://athome.medline.com/kpscal/
  2. Enter you medical record number and password if you have an account
  3. Click on login
  4. Now you can use the portal to check your balance and order online

Kaiser OTC Login Online Activate Account

Kaiser OTC Login Online Activate Account

To activate your account, you must follow below steps:

  1. First visit the link in the browser: https://athome.medline.com/kpscal/
  2. Click on activate account
  3. Enter your medical record number
  4. Enter your DOB
  5. Enter a password that suits you best
  6. Lastly enter your email and click on Activate

Kaiser OTC Login Forgot Password

Kaiser OTC Login Forgot Password

If you don’t remember your password, you can just click on the Forgot Password link. It will open a new form:

  1. Enter you medical record number
  2. Enter your Date of birth
  3. Enter your new password
  4. Click on reset password

Kaiser OTC Login Instructions

There are some basic instructions before you login, because it can give error if instructions not followed:

  1. First select your region correctly northern or southern California
  2. You must add a 10 digit number, if the number is small then add 0s before the number to complete 10 digit
  3. Password must be atleast 8 character, atleast 1 Capital letter,  1 number, and 1 symbol.
  4. You are recommended to use google chrome as browser but can use others too

Kaiser OTC Login Help

If you need help in Kaiser OTC login, you can read our above instructions, but if you are facing other issues, here are some tips to follow:

Kaiser OTC Login Customer Service

You can call customer service for help if you cannot reset your passwrord despite following our instruction. Here is the contact details:


Hours: 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Kaiser OTC Login Not Working

Your login is not working due to many reasons. You will have to do some trouble shootings to solve the issue, follow below steps:

  1. Use chrome browser if you are using other ones
  2. Make sure you have an active account
  3. Restart your browser now
  4. Go to cache settings in the browser, and remove the cache
  5. Remove all the cookies also
  6. Now try again
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